Thursday, December 31, 2009

Med City (Rochester)

    Even after spending most of my life in Minnesota, I had never visited, and knew only two things about Rochester, MN. One, it is the home of the Mayo Clinic, and two, it is host to many many sports tournaments for kids. After living here a month, I can't say I know much more. The town is rightfully nicknamed "Med City." This is because the town basically is the Mayo Clinic.

        This hospital is huge. I guess it is actually a few hospitals or something, but I don't really get it. It is an internationally renowned facility that people travel to from all over the world for world class treatments. Because of this, the town center has a very unique character. The population of Roch is around 100,000, and the city center actually feels like a city. Surrounding the expansive hospital the area is packed with high-end shops, hotels and restaurants that cater to the wealthy international clientel of Mayo.  We are talkin' European import kitchenware shops selling $20 teabags, and fancy chocolate shops with real Italian gelato.

    Joe and I love to eat out, and I bet we have been 90% of the restaurants in town. This is always a cool experience as every time we seem to sit next to a family speaking a different language. We hear French, Italian, Arabic, Croatian (ok, I'm guessing on that one), etc. I love it, I can't get enough of it. It is like having my own little trip abroad while living in this typical, big-box-store-filled, mid sized Minnesota town. When I really need to soak up the feeling, I head downtown. I park my frozen car in the garage next to Wells Fargo and head into the skyways and subways that save to people of Rochester and visitors to Mayo from the frigid Minnesota Winter.  My first stop is the most beautiful and surprising Barnes and Noble in the world.

    Can you believe that place?! It is an old theater transformed into this sort of Harry Potter-esque bookstore. It is magical, I could wander there for hours. Just past the bookstore is the Galleria shopping center.  This is where you can find the gelato.  This is also where I am reminded that the reason for Rochester and the fancy Galleria and the gelato is Mayo. And, the reason for Mayo is sick people. Walking through this area I see people from all over the world wheeling their loved ones with cancer, or a brain injury, or some rare GI disorder through the shops. I am also reminded that Mayo is not just for rich Saudi Sheiks, but also for regular folks.

    The conversations I hear at this mall are very different than what's heard at any other mall. I hear more "How are you doing?" and "Don't worry, we will be there for you no matter the results," than "Should I buy this $20 teabag." The place is bright and warm in the Minnesota winter, but it has an air of sadness that is inescapable. I know that for so many people there, this short wheelchair ride through the skyways is the furthest they will get from their hospital room for a while. Maybe that is why I love this place. I know it sounds a little messed up, but come on, I'm going to be a nurse. I actually find the sadness of this place to be inspiring. It means that there is room for me to make a difference. Who, knows maybe in a year I will be one of these lucky ladies.....

(Mayo nurses eating lunch in the Galleria) 

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Beginning of This

    So this is my first blog. I've been inspired by others' blogs I've recently come across. Originally this inspiration translated itself into a recommendation to my talented-with-the-pagesister that she write a blog. Why this didn't initially make me think I could write a blog simply just comes down to a personal meme. I never thought of myself as a writer (still don't), and I actually never thought I liked writing, but why should this stop me.
    As I said in the description, the purpose of this blog is to remind myself of all the aspects of my life that reinforce my creativity and drive - all the things that tend to get ignored in the hustle and bustle of daily life while in nursing school. These things include art, photography, travel, cooking and more. Inevitably, when I start the new semester of my accelerated BSN program at Minnesota State University, Mankato, some of my blogging will turn its attention to that.

    So the hustle and bustle I spoke of above has pretty much been on hold for the last three weeks. I finished my first semester at Mankato in early December and decided it was also time to finish my 3 month stint of living in a crap-hole apartment in Mankato. It was also time to finish the nearly 3 year very long and more recently less long distance arrangement between me and the boyfriend Joe. After his charming agreement, I decided to move in with him in Rochester - the easternmost point in the Triangle.    

    The first week was full of moving and organizing and merging of the stuff. We have both lived on our own for a number of years now, so we have a lot of stuff. After lots of organizing, and lots of trips to the Goodwill, things are starting to look settled. Though there is still stuff left to do, I really have exhausted my will to organize and clean - just in time for the New Year. I have also satiated my thirst for television, even with 200 channels and full access to the TPT Create Channel.

    Needless to say, it is time to explore. So, I'm off to see what downtown Rochester has to offer. I'll be back with photos!